Laurie Fox

1444 Diamond Springs Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23455
Ph.D., Horticulture – phytoremediation, 2009, Wageningen University (The Netherlands)
M.S., Horticulture - weed science, 1993, North Carolina State University
B.S., Horticulture - landscape design and ornamental plant production, 1990, North Carolina State University
Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional Certified Trainer
Courses Previously Taught
- HORT 6004 Sustainable Landscaping Systems
- HORT 5004 Senior Seminar
- PPWS 4754 Principles of Weed Science
- HRT 240 Principles of Weed Science
- HRT 202 Landscape Plant ID
- VNLA Certified Horticulturist Review Class
Urban Water Quality & Stormwater Management
- floating treatment wetlands for storm water management
- phytoremediation – cleaning water with aquatic plants
Develop resources, demonstrations, and training programs focused on urban water quality, residential stormwater management, and sustainable/resilient landscaping practices.
Water quality
- nutrient management in the landscape
- stormwater management practices (BMPs) for landscapes
- aquatic weed ID & management
Sustainable/resilient landscapes
- sustainable landscape practices
- BayScaping with native plants
- buffer zones
- rain gardens
- Habitat at Home gardens
- Small trees for utility easements & landscapes
Hampton Roads AREC
- Tour coordinator
- Liaison and coordinator for 28 public demonstration gardens
Extension Publications
Stormwater Management for Homeowners Fact Sheet Series
- Factsheet 1: Rooftop Redirection
- Factsheet 2: Rain Barrels
- Factsheet 3: Permeable Pavement
- Factsheet 4: Grass Swales
- Fact Sheet 5: Rain Gardens
- Fact Sheet 6: Buffers
What Is A Watershed? (426-041 (SPES-2)).
Rain Garden Plants SPES-57P.
Basic Principles of Watershed Restoration and Stormwater Management in the Chesapeake Bay Region. Chesapeake Bay Landscaping Professional Certification Program. Retrieved from
Other Publications
- Best Plants for Hampton Roads A Landscape & Garden Companion
- Native Plants for Southeast Virginia including Hampton Roads Region
Recent Scientific Journal Articles
- Spangler, J. T., Sample, D. J., Fox, L. J., Owen, J. S., & White, S. A. (2019). Floating treatment wetland aided nutrient removal from agricultural runoff using two wetland species. ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, 127, 468-479. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2018.12.017
- Spangler, J. T., Sample, D. J., Fox, L. J., Albano, J. P., & White, S. A. (2019). Assessing nitrogen and phosphorus removal potential of five plant species in floating treatment wetlands receiving simulated nursery runoff. Environmental science and pollution research international. doi:10.1007/s11356-018-3964-0